December 20/23, 2023 in Yogyakarta

Click here to see the event report

A. Background

Traditional culture forms people's identities and creates connections between people. Mutual exchange across borders is of great significance in times of global instability, such as now, in fostering a sense of closeness that transcends national borders in human society and ultimately contributes to world peace. To commemorate the 65th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Japan and Indonesia, we will host a cultural event in Yogyakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia to deepen mutual understanding between Japan and Indonesia. This program consists of three parts: "Cultural Inheritance," "Cultural Exchange," and "Cultural Challenges. In the first part, local artists will perform traditional Indonesian wayang (shadow puppet theater). In the second part, a Japanese folktale, Momotaro, will be translated into Indonesian and developed by a wayang puppet artist and gamelan player unfamiliar with the story to perform the story for 30 minutes as inspiration. In the third part, experts will discuss the challenges and prospects of Japanese and Indonesian culture in a panel discussion format.

B.    主催者



協力:株式会社EPI、ロイヤル アンバルクモ ジョグジャカルタ

C.   主な出席者


D.    参加者 


E.    会場、プラットフォーム、日程、時間

会場: 未定(オンライン配信あり)

開催日: 2023年12月21日

時間: 13:00~16:30 インドネシア西部時間(GMT +7)

F.      EVENT AGENDA(Jogja)

(WIB/GMT +7)
Japan(GMT +9)Program
10:30 - 11:0012:30 - 13:00Registration
11:00 - 11:23

13:00 - 13:25Opening & Opening RemarksModerator: ???Event Organizer(5 minutes)Jogjakarta Govornor(10 minutes)Kyoto Governor(5 minutes)Special Thanks to Sponsors(5 minutes)
11:25 - 12:1013:25 - 14:10Main Event 1: Traditional WayangModerator: ???Traditional Wayang Play(30 minutes)Human Wayang Play(15 minutes)
12:10 - 12:2014:10 - 14:20Short Break
12:20 - 13:2014:20 - 15:20Main Event 2: Wayang MomotaroModerator: ???About Project Concept and Momotaro by organizer (10 minutes)Play (Solo/30 minutes)Comments/Q & A Session (20 minutes)
13:20 - 13:3015:20 - 15:30Short Break
13:30 - 14:1515:30 - 16:15Main Event 3: Culture and SustainabilityModerator: ???Panel Discussion (30 minutes)Pak PrijoWayang Maker? Kinta?YukiComments/Q & A Session (15 minutes)
14:15 - 14:3016:15 - 16:30Conclusion, Closing, Questionnaire and Photo Session

G.      EVENT AGENDA(Surabaya)

(WIB/GMT +7)
Japan(GMT +9)Program
10:30 - 11:0012:30 - 13:00Registration
11:00 - 11:23

13:00 - 13:25Opening & Opening RemarksModerator: ???Event Organizer(5 minutes)Jogjakarta Govornor(10 minutes)Kyoto Governor(5 minutes)Special Thanks to Sponsors(5 minutes)
11:25 - 12:1013:25 - 14:10Main Event 1: Traditional WayangModerator: ???Traditional Wayang Play(30 minutes)Human Wayang Play(15 minutes)
12:10 - 12:2014:10 - 14:20Short Break
12:20 - 13:2014:20 - 15:20Main Event 2: Wayang MomotaroModerator: ???About Project Concept and Momotaro by organizer (10 minutes)Play (Solo/30 minutes)Comments/Q & A Session (20 minutes)
13:20 - 13:3015:20 - 15:30Short Break
13:30 - 14:1515:30 - 16:15Main Event 3: Culture and SustainabilityModerator: ???Panel Discussion (30 minutes)Pak PrijoWayang Maker? Kinta?YukiComments/Q & A Session (15 minutes)
14:15 - 14:3016:15 - 16:30Conclusion, Closing, Questionnaire and Photo Session